Theocracy, neocolonialism, and gender apartheid in Jordan
“Women and LGBTQIA+ persons in Jordan face intersectional discrimination enabled by theocratic dictatorship, colonial legacies, and neocolonialism.” Author: Samar Zughool (2024), MSc, political scientist, Intercultural researcher, and manager of intercultural programs. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has a monarchy constitution … Continued
Theocracy and the Violation of Women’s Rights in Jordan
According to Article 195 of the Jordanian Penal Code, criticizing the nice king in any way is considered a crime of “lèse-majesté” and carries a punishment of one to three years in prison. Under this misogynist monarchy, women in Sharia … Continued
Civilna družba in tradicionalne nevladne organizacije v odsevu koronske tiranije
Nevladne organizacije, ki bi naj bile najbolj prominenten del civilne družbe, se v svoji esenci napajajo iz idej o poslanstvu, da so kritičen del družbe, da so bolj ekspeditivne kot javna infrastruktura, da so nujen del demokratičnih procesov, da pomembno … Continued
Civil Society and Traditional NGOs in the Reflection of Corona Virus Tyranny
NGOs, which are supposed to be the most prominent part of civil society, are essentially fuelled by mission ideas that they are a critical part of society, that they are more expeditious than public infrastructure, that they are a necessary … Continued
A reflection on a shared future in the Mediterranean
There are Mediterranean identities that I acknowledge within and beyond the concept of geographical limitations. In the geopolitical discourse, I address the securitization of migration and evoking the notion of risk as hindering factors toward building inclusive and intercultural societies … Continued
Upor življenja, napisala Mateja Varga
Če boste na vsako silo vztrajali pri svojem, hoteli izsiliti določen odnos ali delovno mesto ali hoteli na silo spreminjati svoje telo, vam bo težko. Izsiljevane ustvari upor. Upor naravnemu toku življenja. Če vstopite v upor in stvari počnete na … Continued
Global education through an intercultural lens – Samar Zughool
Global education through an intercultural lens Competences consist of attitude, skills and knowledge. Therefore, the development of global competences through global education requires not only information but also an ethnorelative attitude with intercultural skills. This is in order to relate … Continued
Globalno izobraževanje skozi medkulturno prizmo
Globalno izobraževanje skozi medkulturno prizmo Kompetence so sestavljene iz odnosa, spretnosti in znanja. Zato razvoj globalnih kompetenc z globalnim izobraževanjem ne zahteva le informacij, temveč tudi etnorelativni odnos z medkulturnimi veščinami. To je zato, da se s svetom povežemo z … Continued
Globalno izobraževanje skozi medkulturno prizmo. Avtorja Samar Zughool
Globalno izobraževanje skozi medkulturno prizmo Kompetence so sestavljene iz odnosa, spretnosti in znanja. Zato razvoj globalnih kompetenc z globalnim izobraževanjem ne zahteva le informacij, temveč tudi etnorelativni odnos z medkulturnimi veščinami. To je zato, da se s svetom povežemo z … Continued